The image of a "fan", which is simply an abbreviation of the word "fanatic", used to look like this picture above. Becoming more prevalent each year in the world of sports is the mode of fandom termed "Fantasy Leagues". Any sports fan will know what this is, and maybe even what the new fantasy fan may look like!

The truth is that this is what the sports fan is turning into. But it may come with a cost! That is one reason why so many states are now considering how appropriate it is for fantasy sports team owners to bet on their fantasy teams, or for leagues to require a fee upon entering into a draft.
There are four commonly acknowledged types of fantasy fans that have been identified. Statistical enthusiasts, fan-first, homers, and social players. These will not be described in detail, but it will suffice to say that these are all based on satisfying an individuals various needs through fantasy sports league play. I would like to propose a fifth realm of fantasy fandom, that is the money-first fans. These are the fantasy gamers who are in it for the cash, they often gamble on games and/or find ways to play the system in order to win the cash-prize. Their consumption of sports media is no longer filling an emotional need, but rather putting money in their pocket.
As fans of the games that we love, let's remember just that, we love the game.
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