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Get 'em up, or put em down.

Image result for paper and rules

When dealing with legislation, rules, regulations, policies, laws, bylaws, treaties, agreements, terms, etc. It is easy to get burned out, throw hands in the air, and give up.  It is easy to just go ahead and let someone else who is smarter and better qualified deal with the problem. Many sports fans today feel this way when it comes to athletes and mainstream media's use of social media and the policies surround this vast jungle.

Ohio State and Clemson Universities met in the NCAA college football playoffs in December of '16.  There was many factors that caused the great buzz regarding this game, and one factor was the social media battle that persisted between the two teams before and after the game. 

Image result for silence crowd football player

Things were said that many argue should never have been said.  Things that cannot be undone, and that are adding to the already complex lives of those student athletes and their respective teams.  One thing that may have helped in the events leading up to this battle of digital ammunition is education.

Image result for palm faceThere are already rules in placed that have been established by the NCAA that require a student-athlete to maintain a high level of performance academically in order to participate in sports and receive scholarships.  The proposal to be made in this post is that the NCAA should make a rule that similar qualifications should be met in order for any student-athlete to use any form of social media or speak with the press.  Classes at university are meant to enhance an individuals ability to think critically and with perspective.  These qualities are obviously missing from some of the posts that have circulated around the social-digital platforms recently.

Image result for Student athlete


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